Properties & Private Surveys in Bradford County
Home Farm of V.E. and J.E. Piollet
Connected from older maps and drafts by Hiram E. Bull, County Surveyor, Feb. 28, 1888
[original, hand drawn]
Drawer 1
M.C. Mercur’s Lots, Burlington, Towanda Township, 1850
Includes surrounding warrants
[original, hand drawn]
Drawer 1
M.C. Mercur’s lot along Sugar Creek, Burlington, 1850
[original, hand drawn]
Drawer 1
Map of R. Luther’s Farm showing position of mills on Sugar Creek, together with survey of left bank descending creek from Wristley’s west line to mill dam, Feb. 21, 1864
By W.H. Morgan, Surveyor; same plot as map entitled, “M.C. Mercur’s lot along Sugar Creek, Burlinton, 1850”
[original, hand drawn]
Drawer 1
Plot of Land - Isaac Place, Thomas Brown, Oliver Brown and Town plot between Springfield Township line and river, undated
[original, hand drawn]
Drawer 2
Map of Portion of Mrs. Caton’s Estate in Ulster, Smithfield, Burlington, Athens and Ridgebury Townships Bradford Co. Pa., undated
[original, hand drawn and colored, canvass]
Drawer 2
David Cash Estate, 1869
Drawer 2
Col. John F. Means’ Subdivision, Towanda Borough, 1880
By Geo U. Myer
[original, hand drawn]
Drawer 2
Mrs. A Mullan’s Lot, resurveyed April 8, 1870
By A. H. Mullan, Monroeton
[original, hand drawn and colored]
Drawer 2
Plot of land of Irad Stevens, Moris Hunt Purchase, others, line coordinates
Drawer 2